Looking to sell my spare Atari Falcon.
Has the following specifications:
- upgraded to 14MB
- TOS 4.04
- 8GB CF card with emulators, productivity software, hardware utilities, around 3300 games that are hard drive adapted, Falcon demos and Falcon specific games, and more.
- VGA adapter
- 1.44MB drive (can optionally include a Gotek drive)
- USB optical mouse.
- NB: this has a German keyboard.
I’m based in Australia but can ship overseas.
Postage available at buyer’s expense. This will be securely packed in thick bubble wrap and polystyrene.
Asking AUD$3200
For sale: Atari Falcon / 14MB RAM / 8 GB CF card / VGA adapter / USB mouse
Moderators: Mug UK, Adrenalin, Moderator Team
For sale: Atari Falcon / 14MB RAM / 8 GB CF card / VGA adapter / USB mouse
- Mega STE/4, Monster board, 40GB IDE, CosmosEx
- Mega ST4, Monster board, 8GB CF, Gotek
- TT4/16, SCSI2SD
- Falcon 14MB, 8GB CF, Falcon Speed, CosmosEx
- Falcon 14MB, 8GB SD, Gotek
- 130XE/myIDE2; 800XL/Supermon; XEGS/SIO2SD; 800XL/SIO2SD; 130XE/SIDE2
- 1040STE/4MB, Monster board (8GB SD, RTC)
Re: For sale: Atari Falcon / 14MB RAM / 8 GB CF card / VGA adapter / USB mouse
Sold elsewhere
- Mega STE/4, Monster board, 40GB IDE, CosmosEx
- Mega ST4, Monster board, 8GB CF, Gotek
- TT4/16, SCSI2SD
- Falcon 14MB, 8GB CF, Falcon Speed, CosmosEx
- Falcon 14MB, 8GB SD, Gotek
- 130XE/myIDE2; 800XL/Supermon; XEGS/SIO2SD; 800XL/SIO2SD; 130XE/SIDE2
- 1040STE/4MB, Monster board (8GB SD, RTC)