I've had my original CosmosEx since 2016 and it's worked fine all this time. However, the other day I noticed my network wasn't working, so I took the unit apart to check it out.
What I found is that when USB power is plugged in to the Cosmos board, the network adapter on the Pi drops the connection (all the lights go off) every few seconds. If I power the Pi directly it works as it should with the Cosmos board attached.
So I had to run power to the Pi, and it works fine again, but now I have no power switch
Has anyone seen this issue?
Power issue using USB
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Re: Power issue using USB
YES.. I was just posting I had the same issue.. it can be your cable or psu is not transmitting as well as it did before..
I just figured mine out.. I had a TINY pit of metal get on a couple of the pins.. If you have it apart.. spray it with ISOPROPO and blow it off with air.. clean it right up.. and try again.
I just figured mine out.. I had a TINY pit of metal get on a couple of the pins.. If you have it apart.. spray it with ISOPROPO and blow it off with air.. clean it right up.. and try again.
TT030 - Light/Storm/Thun 256mb TT ram 10mb ST ram card(Lynxman) Nova(frank lukus) Mach32 2mb. 250gb SSD
MegaSTE - monSTer (alanH) RGB2HDMI(pixelk) 68kHC cpu - IDE CF 8gb internal.
MegaST - ICD ADspeed & Compatibility Plus
Phoenix ST - Exxos remake board - Lightning Storm Cloudy.
1088XEL, 800 incognito, 800xl U1mb.
MegaSTE - monSTer (alanH) RGB2HDMI(pixelk) 68kHC cpu - IDE CF 8gb internal.
MegaST - ICD ADspeed & Compatibility Plus
Phoenix ST - Exxos remake board - Lightning Storm Cloudy.
1088XEL, 800 incognito, 800xl U1mb.